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Saving and Retrieving Data

1. Saving Data

To save your plugin data like plugin settings, configuration and statistics, use the Get and Save methods from the ConfigApi.Custom:

type MyPluginConfig struct {
    MySetting       string  `json:"my_setting"`
    OtherSetting    int     `json:"other_setting"`

my_key := "my_config"
my_config := MyPluginConfig{
    MySetting:      "my_value",
    OtherSetting:   123,

err := api.Config().Custom(config_key).Save(my_config)

Plugin configuration is separated into different keys for ease of management. The data must be serializable to JSON.

2. Retreiving Data

To get your plugin data for a specific key, use the ConfigApi.Custom.Get method:

var my_config MyPluginConfig
err := api.Config().Custom(my_key).Get(&my_config)

fmt.Println(my_config) // {MySetting: "my_value", OtherSetting: 123}