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Routes and Links

Routes are used to handle user navigation by matching the requested URL from the browser to a RoutePath in your application. A link is a form of clickable element in the web page that redirects a user to a certain URL and eventually triggering the matched route.

1. Registering Routes

The vue routes are divided into two types: portal routes and admin routes. Portal routes are accessible to all users, while admin routes are only accessible to authenticated user accounts.

Portal Routes

Below is an example of how to register a portal route using the VueRouterApi.RegisterPortalRoutes api method.

package main

import (

    sdkhttp ""
    sdkplugin ""

func main() {}

func Init(api sdkplugin.PluginApi) {
    // define the portal route
    portalRoute := sdkhttp.VuePortalRoute{
        RouteName: "portal:welcome",
        RoutePath: "/welcome/:name",
        Component: "portal/Welcome.vue",
        Middlewares: []func(http.Handler) http.Handler{},
    // register portal route

See Route Fields for the definition of each fields used to define a portal route.

Admin Routes

Admin routes are very similar to portal routes, but are only accessible by authenticated user accounts. To define an admin route, we use the VueRouterApi.RegisterAdminRoutes api method.

// define admin route
adminRoute := sdkhttp.VueAdminRoute{
    RouteName: "admin:welcome",
    RoutePath: "/welcome/:name",
    Component: "admin/Welcome.vue",
    PermitFn: func(perms []string) bool {
        // check if the user has the required permissions
        return true
// register the admin route

See Route Fields for the definition of each fields used to define an admin route.

2. Route Fields

Below is the brief definition of each fields used to define the Portal Route and Admin Route.

RouteName (required)

This field can be used to reference this route in case we want to link this page from another page using the HttpHelpers.VueRoutePath method. Learn more about creating a link.

RoutePath (required)

This field is used to match the URL in the browser to portal or admin route. Route params can be extracted using HttpApi.MuxVars method. For example, to get the name param from the route path /welcome/:name, you would do:

// handler func
func (w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    // get the route params
    params := api.Http().MuxVars(r)
    fmt.Println(params["name"]) // Jhon

Component (required)

This field defines the location of the Vue Component file to be displayed in the web page. Vue components are loaded from the resources/components directory of your plugin.

PermitFn (optional)

This field is applicable only to admin routes. This function is used to validate access to the admin route. The function accepts a slice of strings which contains the permissions of the account that's currently trying to access the page. It's up to you to validate if the user can access the page. The function should return true if the user has the required permissions, otherwise false.

permit := func (perms []string) bool {
    // check if the user has the required permissions
    return true

Then you can use the permit function in the route definition:

adminRoute := sdkhttp.VueAdminRoute{
    // other fields...
    PermitFn: permit,

A router link is a vue component that's part of the official vue-router package. We can create a link to a portal route or an admin route by using the HttpHelpers.VueRoutePath method.

<router-link to='<% .Helpers.VueRoutePath "portal:welcome" "name" "Jhon" %>'>Go to welcome page</router-link>
This creates a link to the portal route named portal:welcome with a param name of value Jhon.

Route Params

Route params can be passed to the Helpers.VueRoutePath as key-value pairs. For example, if you have a route path /users/:user_id/posts/:post_id and the name of the route is user.posts, this is how you can create a link to that route with params:

<router-link to='<% .Helpers.VueRoutePath "user.posts" "user_id" "1" "post_id" "2" %>'>
    User posts

Route params can be retreived in the handler function using the HttpApi.MuxVars method:

func (w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    params := api.Http().MuxVars(r)
    fmt.Println(params["user_id"]) // 1
    fmt.Println(params["post_id"]) // 2