Portal Items
Portal items are the items displayed in the captive portal.
A portal item is just a link to an existing portal route. Therefore, to display an item in the captive portal, one must already have defined a portal route.
To register a portal item to be displayed in the captive portal, we will use the VueRouterApi.PortalItemsFunc method:
api.Http().VueRouter().PortalItemsFunc(func(clnt sdkconnmgr.ClientDevice) []sdkhttp.VuePortalItem {
portalItem := sdkhttp.VuePortalItem{
Label: "Welcome",
IconPath: "icons/welcome.png",
RouteName: "portal.welcome",
RouteParams: map[string]string{"name": "Jhon"},
return []sdkhttp.VuePortalItem{portalItem}
A portal item is defined by the following fields:
- Label (required)
- This is the text label that will be displayed in the captive portal.
- IconPath (required)
- This is the path to the icon image that will be displayed next to the label. Icon paths are searched in
directory. - RouteName (required)
- This is the route name field of the portal route that the item will link to.
- RouteParams (optional)
- This is a map of parameters that will be passed to the portal route to form the link.