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The SessionsMgrApi contains methods to manage the ClientDevice sessions.

SessionsMgrApi Methods


This method will connect the client device to the internet if the client device has available ClientSession to consume. It takes a context, a ClientDevice, and a notification string as parameters.

func (w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    clnt, _ := api.Http().GetClientDevice(r)
    err = api.SessionsMgr().Connect(r.Context(), clnt, "You are now connected to internet.")


This method will disconnect the client device from the internet. It will also pause the current running ClientSession of the client device. It takes a context, a ClientDevice and a notification string as parameters.

func (w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    clnt, _ := api.Http().GetClientDevice(r)
    err = api.SessionsMgr().Disconnect(r.Context(), clnt, "You are now disconnected to internet.")


Returns true if the ClientDevice is connected to the internet, otherwise false.

func (w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    clnt, _ := api.Http().GetClientDevice(r)
    isConnected, err = api.SessionsMgr().IsConnected(clnt)


It creates a ClientSession for the ClientDevice. It takes the following arguments:

  • context.Context
  • int64 - the ClientDevice ID
  • uint8 - the type of session to create
  • uint - the duration of the session in seconds, applicable only for time and time_or_data session types
  • float64 - the data in mega bytes, applicable only for data and time_or_data session types
  • *uint - the expiration in days after the session is started, on top of the duration in seconds
  • int - the download speed of the session in megabits per second (mbps)
  • int - the upload speed of the session in megabits per second (mbps)
  • bool - whether to use the global download and upload speed limit. If true, it ignores the download and upload speed arguments

Below is an example of how to use the CreateSession method:

func (w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    secs := 60          // 1 minute
    mb := 100.0         // 100 MB
    sessionType := 0    // 0 = time, 1 = data, 2 = time_or_data
    expireDays := 30    // 30 days
    downMbits := 5      // 5 mbps
    uploadMbits := 3    // 3 mbps

    clnt, _ := api.Http().GetClientDevice(r)
    err := api.SessionsMgr().CreateSession(


This is the current running ClientSession of the ClientDevice.

func (w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    clnt, _ := api.Http().GetClientDevice(r)
    session, ok = api.SessionsMgr().CurrSession(clnt)


Returns any available ClientSession for the given ClientDevice ID. This may include the current running session or any paused session.

func (w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    ctx := r.Context()
    clnt, _ := api.Http().GetClientDevice(r)
    session, err = api.SessionsMgr().GetSession(ctx, clnt)


Used to register a session provider.