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Creating a Plugin

1. The create-plugin command

To create a new plugin, open a terminal and navigate inside the devkit directory.

If you are using Windows, type:

.\bin\flare.exe create-plugin

If you are using Linux or Mac, type:

./bin/flare create-plugin

Follow the instructions in the command prompt and enter the necessary details for your plugin. Below are the needed details for your plugin:

Package Name
This is the primary identifier of your plugin. It should be unique and follow reverse domain naming convention, e.g com.your-domain.your-plugin. The package name should be in lowercase and should not contain any special characters or spaces except period, underscore and hyphen (., _, -).
Plugin Name
This is the name of your plugin, e.g. "System Monitor".
This is a brief description of your plugin. It should describe the purpose of your plugin.

2. The main.go file

After that, your plugin will be created inside the plugins directory. Inside your plugin directory, you will find a main.go file.

main.go file

This file contains Init function which will be called when your plugin gets loaded into the system. Below is the initial content of main.go file:

package main

import (

    sdkplugin ""

func main() {}

func Init(api sdkplugin.PluginApi) {
    // Your code goes here...


The api variable is an instance of the PluginApi, the root API of the Flare Hotspot SDK. Throughout the documentation, when you see api, it refers to this variable.


For linux users, you must change the file permissions to fix errors in VSCode:

sudo chown -R $USER .