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1. SessionSource Interface

A SessionSource represents a source of data for a session. It is used to create a session from external sources like remote servers. Below is the definition of the SessionSource interface:

type SessionSource interface {

    // Return the session data.
    Data() SessionData

    // Save data to the source, e.g. database.
    Save(context.Context, SessionData) error

    // Reload data from the source, e.g. database.
    Reload(context.Context) (SessionData, error)

Below is the description of each method:


The Data method returns the session data. It returns a SessionData struct that contains the session data.


The Save method saves the session data to the source. It accepts a context.Context and a SessionData struct as parameters. It returns an error if any.


The Reload method reloads the session data from the source. It accepts a context.Context as a parameter. It returns a newly loaded SessionData struct and an error if any.

2. SessionData Struct

A SessionData struct represents the data of a session. It contains the following fields:

type SessionData struct {
    Provider       string
    Type           uint8
    TimeSecs       uint
    DataMb         float64
    TimeCons       uint
    DataCons       float64
    StartedAt      *time.Time
    ExpDays        *uint
    DownMbits      int
    UpMbits        int
    UseGlobalSpeed bool
    CreatedAt      time.Time

Below is the description of each field:


The name of the provider of the session. It is a string value that can be used to identify the provider, e.g. plugin name.


The type of the session. It is an unsigned 8-bit integer value that can be used to identify the type of the session. See the session types documentation.


The total time in seconds of the session. This is only applicable to session types time (0) and time_or_data (2).


The total data in megabytes of the session. This is only applicable to session types data (1) and time_or_data (2).


The total time in seconds consumed by the session. This is only applicable to session types time (0) and time_or_data (2). It is used to track the consumed time of the session.


The total data in megabytes consumed by the session. This is only applicable to session types data (1) and time_or_data (2). It is used to track the consumed data of the session.


The time when the session was started. It is a pointer to a time.Time value. A nil value indicates that the session has not started yet.


The number of days the session is valid from the time that it is started plus the TimeSecs value. It is a pointer to an unsigned integer value. A nil value indicates that the session does not expire.


The download speed of the session in megabits per second (mbps).


The upload speed of the session in megabits per second (mbps).


Used to determine if the session should use the global download and upload speed limit. If true, it ignores the download and upload speed arguments.


This is the time when the session was created. It is a time.Time value that represents the time the session was created.