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The IPluginApi is the root Go interface of Flare Hotspot SDK. It provides access to methods used to manipulate system accounts, network devices, theme configuration, user sessions, payment system and more. Each plugin is provided with an instance of IPluginApi.

When the plugin is first loaded into the system, the system looks for the Init function of the plugin's main package. The IPluginApi instance is then passed to the plugin's Init function. From there, you can start configuring the routes and components of your plugin. An example of a plugin's init function:

package main

import (
    sdkapi "sdk/api"

// Required for main package
func main() {}

// Plugin entry point
func Init(api sdkapi.IPluginApi) {
    // You can start using the SDK here.
    // You can configure your routes, define your plugin components
    // and register items in the portal and admin navigation menu, and more.

IPluginApi Methods

The following are the available methods in IPluginApi.


It returns the IAccountsApi object which is used to access and modify the system admin accounts.

acct := api.Acct()
fmt.Println(acct) // IAccountsApi


It returns the IAdsApi object which is used to create and manage ads.

ads := api.Ads()
fmt.Println(ads) // IAdsApi


It returns the IConfigApi object which is used to access and modify the system configuration.

config := api.Config()
fmt.Println(config) // IConfigApi


It returns the IDeviceHooksApi object which is used to manage device registration hooks.

deviceHooks := api.DeviceHooks()
fmt.Println(deviceHooks) // IDeviceHooksApi


It returns the absolute path of the plugin's installation directory.

dir := api.Dir()
fmt.Println(dir) // "/path/to/com.mydomain.myplugin"


Returns the available features of the plugin.

features := api.Features()
fmt.Println(features) // []string{"theme:admin", "theme:portal"}

Below are the available features and their descriptions:

Feature Description
theme:admin Plugin provides an admin theme
theme:portal Plugin provides a portal theme


It returns the IHttpApi object which is used to configure routes and serve HTTP requests.

http := api.Http()
fmt.Println(http) // IHttpApi


It returns the IInAppPurchasesApi object which is used to create and manage in-app purchases.

inAppPurchases := api.InAppPurchases()
fmt.Println(inAppPurchases) // IInAppPurchasesApi


It returns the sdkutils.PluginInfo field defined in plugin.json.

info := api.Info()
//  {
//    Name: "My Plugin",
//    Package: "com.mydomain.myplugin",
//    Version: "0.0.1",
//    Description: "My plugin description",
//    SystemPackages: [],
//    SDK: "1.0.0"
//  }


It returns the ILoggerAPI object which is used to log events in a plugin.


It returns the INetworkApi object which is used to manage the network.

network := api.Network()
fmt.Println(network) // INetworkApi


It return the IPaymentsApi object which is used to create payment options or create system transactions.

payments := api.Payments()
fmt.Println(payments) // IPaymentsApi


It returns the IPluginsMgrApi object which is used to manage plugins.

pluginsMgr := api.PluginsMgr()
fmt.Println(pluginsMgr) // IPluginsMgrApi


It returns the absolute path of the file under the plugin's resource directory.

resource := api.Resource("/my-resource.txt")
fmt.Println(resource) // "/path/to/com.mydomain.myplugin/resources/my-resource.txt"


It returns the ISessionsMgrApi object which is used to manage user sessions.

sessionsMgr := api.SessionsMgr()
fmt.Println(sessionsMgr) // ISessionsMgrApi


It returns *sql.DB instance which is used to query, insert, update and delete database entities.

db := api.SqlDb()
fmt.Println(db) // *sql.DB


It returns the IThemesApi object which is used to manage system UI themes.

themes := api.Themes()
fmt.Println(themes) // IThemesApi


It is a utility function used to convert a message key into a translated string. Example usage:

msg := api.Translate("info", "payment_received", "amount", 1.00)
fmt.Println(msg) // "Payment received USD 1.0.0"

In this example, given that the application language is set to en, the system will look for the file resources/translations/en/info/payment_received.txt inside your plugin directory. If the file is found, the system will use the contents of the file as the translation template.

Sometimes we want to put variables inside the translation message. In this example, we want to pass the amount as a parameter to the message. We can do that by passing the amount param as key-value pairs to the Translate method. Internally, the param pairs are converted into a type map[any]any. To use the amount param in the translation file, we'll enclose it with <% and %> delimiters (with dot prefix). Therefore the content of payment_received.txt should be:

Payment received: USD <% .amount %>


It returns the IUciApi object which is a wrapper to OpenWRT's UCI.

uci := api.Uci()
fmt.Println(uci) // IUciApi