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The HttpRouterApi is the backend for http routing in Flare Hotspot. The VueRouterApi uses the HttpRouterApi to generate the routes for the frontend. Each plugin are provided with a HttpRouterApi instance to generate their own routes.

1. HttpRouterApi Methods

Below are the available methods in HttpRouterApi:


This method returns the admin router instance for the admin routes. Routes generated from the admin router are prefixed with /admin and are only accessible to authenticated user accounts. To get the admin router instance, you can use the following code:

router := api.Http().HttpRouter().AdminRouter()


This method returns the plugin router instance for the plugin routes. Routes generated from the plugin router are accessible to all users. To get the pugin router instance, you can use the following code:

router := api.Http().HttpRouter().PluginRouter()


This method is used to add a global middleware to all routes. It accepts a list of middlewares.

middleware := func (next http.Handler) http.Handler {
    return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
        // do something before the handler function
        next.ServeHTTP(w, r)



This method is used to generate the url for the given plugin route name. This method accepts two arguments, the first argument is the route name and the second argument is a map of route parameters. The route parameters are key-value pairs. The example below generates a URL for the route name portal.welcome with a route path /welcome/:name:

url := api.Http().HttpRouter().UrlForRoute("portal.welcome", "name", "John")


This method is used to generate the url for third-party plugin route name. This method accepts three arguments, the first argument is the plugin package name (e.g com.flarego.core), the second argument is the route name and the third argument is the route parameters, similar to UrlForRoute method.

url := api.Http().HttpRouter().UrlForPkgRoute("com.flarego.core", "portal.welcome", "name", "John")

2. Router Instance

Router instance is used to generate routes for the plugin. Below are the methods available in the router instance:


This method is used to create a group of routes with a common path prefix. This method accepts two arguments, the first argument is the path prefix and the second argument is a function which accepts another router instance. This can be used to nest more route groups. Take a look at the example below:

// Get the router instance
router := api.Http().HttpRouter().PluginRouter()
router.Group("/payments", func (subrouter sdkhttp.HttpRouterInstance) {
    // Add route for /payments/received
    subrouter.Post("/receieved", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
        // Handle the request


This method is used to create a route for the GET http method. It accepts tree (or more) arguments, the first argument is the route path, the second argument is the handler function and the third and subsequent arguments are the list of (optional) middlewares. Take a look at the example below:

router := api.Http().HttpRouter().PluginRouter()
router.Get("/payments/options", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    // Handle the request
}).Name("payments.options") // set the route name


This method is used to create a route for the POST http method. It accepts three (or more) arguments, the first argument is the route path, the second argument is the handler function and the third and subsequent arguments are the list of (optional) middlewares. Take a look at the example below:

router := api.Http().HttpRouter().AdminRouter()
router.Post("/settings/save", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    // Handle the request
}).Name("") // set the route name


This method is used to add a middleware to the router. It accepts a list of middlewares. All routes defined after the Use method will use the middleware.

3. Middlewares

A middleware is a function of type func(next http.Handler) http.Handler. It is used to perform operations on the request before it reaches the handler function. Middlewares are functions that accept a http handler function and returns another http handler function.

Declaring a middleware

Below is an example of a middleware:

middleware := func (next http.Handler) http.Handler {
    return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
        // do something before the handler function
        next.ServeHTTP(w, r)

Using a middleware

Below is using a middleware for plugin sub-router:

api.Http().HttpRouter().PluginRouter().Group("/payments", func (subrouter sdkhttp.HttpRouterInstance) {

Below is using a middleware for admin sub-router:

api.Http().HttpRouter().AdminRouter().Group("/settings", func (subrouter sdkhttp.HttpRouterInstance) {

In the examples above, the middleware is used to perform operations on the request before it reaches the handler function inside the sub-router.

See this guide for using a middleware in vue components.