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The IHttpResponse has utility functions which can be used to send html, json, and file response to the client.

IHttpResponse methods


This method is used to render html using the portal theme as the layout. Given that you already have a view template, the view template can be rendered using:

// handler
func (w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    name := "John"
    welcomePage := views.WelcomePage(name)
    api.Http().HttpResponse().PortalView(w, r, sdkapi.ViewPage{
        PageContent: welcomePage,


This method is used to render html using the admin theme as the layout. Given that you already have a view template, the view template can be rendered using:

// handler
func (w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    name := "Admin"
    welcomePage := views.WelcomePage(name)
    api.Http().HttpResponse().AdminView(w, r, sdkapi.ViewPage{
        PageContent: welcomePage,


This method is similar to PortalView and AdminView but it renders the views without using any layout. Therefore you must enclose your view templates with proper html tag and document type:

package views

templ SamplePage(name string) {
    !DOCTYPE html
            <title>Sample Page</title>
            <p>Welcome, { name }</p>
// handler
func (w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    name := "Admin"
    samplePage := views.SamplePage(name)
    api.Http().HttpResponse().View(w, r, sdkapi.ViewPage{
        PageContent: samplePage,


This method is used to send json response to the client. Below is an example of how to send json response:

// handler
func (w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    data := map[string]string{
        "title": "Dashboard",
    api.Http().HttpResponse().Json(w, data, http.StatusOK)


This method is used to redirect a user to another route using the route name as parameter.

// handler
func (w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    routename := "portal:welcome"
    user := "John"
    api.Http().HttpResponse().Redirect(w, r, routename, "name", user)
    // Will redirect to route named "portal:welcome" with GET params name=John


This method is used to set flash messages to the views. But it does not send an HTTP response so you must use redirect or render a view response to show the flash message.

// handler
func (w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    msg := "Payment successfull!"
    t := sdkapi.FlasMsgSuccess
    api.Http().HttpResponse().FlashMsg(w, r, msg, t)
    api.Http().HttpResponse().Redirect(w, r, "portal:welcome")

The available flash message types are:

  • FlashMsgSuccess
  • FlashMsgInfo
  • FlashMsgWarning
  • FlashMsgError


This method is used to show consistent error page for unknown errors in your application.

// handler
func (w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    err := errors.New("Something went wrong!")
    api.Http().HttpResponse().Error(w, r, err, http.StatusInternalServerError)

View Templates

We use Templ in generating our views. To create a sample view for your plugin, create a file in resources/views/welcome.templ with the following contents:

package views

templ WelcomePage(name string) {
    <p>Welcome { name }!</p>

The SDK runtime will automatically detect the new file and watch for changes. It will then generate a file called resources/views/welcome_templ.go that can be imported and used in rendering portal views and admin views.

View Assets

To add assets to a view template, you need to register your assets first in the portal or admin assets manifest. After registering your assets in the manifest, you can then use the assets in your views.

For example, given the following portal assets manifest:

  "index.css": [
  "index.js": [

Then you can render a view together with assets index.css and index.js:

// handler
func (w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    name := "John"
    welcomePage := views.WelcomePage(name)
    api.Http().HttpResponse().PortalView(w, r, sdkapi.ViewPage{
        Assets: sdkapi.ViewAssets{
            CssFile: "index.css",
            JsFile: "index.js",
        PageContent: welcomePage,