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The INavsApi is used to register navigation items for both portal and admin web interfaces.

To get an instance of INavsApi:

navsAPI := api.Http().Navs()
fmt.Println(navsAPI) // INavsApi

INavsApi methods

Below are the methods available in INavsApi:


This method is used to generate the admin navigation items of the plugin. It takes function parameter that accepts an *http.Request and returns a slice of AdminNavItemOpt:

func(r *http.Request) []AdminNavItemOpt

Below is an example of registering a function that generates admin navigation menu items:

navsAPI := api.Http().Navs()
navsAPI.AdminNavsFactory(func(r *http.Request) []AdminNavItemOpt {
    return []sdkapi.AdminNavItemOpt{
            Category:  sdkapi.NavCategorySystem,    // Category of the menu item
            Label:     "Welcome",                   // Menu display text
            RouteName: "admin:welcome",             // Link to the route


This method is used to add items to the portal menu items. It takes a function parameter that accepts *http.Request and returns a slice of PortalNavItemOpt:

func(r *http.Request) []PortalNavItemOpt

Below is an example of registering a function that generates portal navigation menu items:

navsAPI := api.Http().Navs()
navsAPI.PortalNavsFactory(func(r *http.Request) []PortalNavItemOpt {
    return []sdkapi.AdminNavItemOpt{
            Label:     "Welcome",                       // Menu display text
            IconUrl: api.Http().Helpers().ResourcePath("assets/images/some-image.jpg"),
            RouteName: "portal:welcome",                // Link to the route
            RouteParams: map[string]string{
                "name": "John",


Returns the consolidated navigation list from all plugins for the admin dashboard. It accepts *http.Request as an argument and returns a slice of AdminNavList.

// handler
func (w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    navsAPI := api.Http().Navs()
    adminNavs := navsAPI.GetAdminNavs(r)
    fmt.Println(adminNavs) // []AdminNavList


Returns the consolidated navigation list from all plugins for the portal. It accepts *http.Request as an argument and returns a slice of PortalNavItem.

func (w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    navsAPI := api.Http().Navs()
    portalItems := navsAPI.GetPortalItems(r)
    fmt.Println(portalItems) // []PortalNavItem


The AdminNavItemOpt is a Go struct that represents an admin navigation menu item:

type AdminNavItemOpt struct {
    Category    INavCategory
    Label       string
    RouteName   string
    RouteParams map[string]string

The available INavCategory options are:

  • sdkapi.NavCategorySystem
  • sdkapi.NavCategoryPayments
  • sdkapi.NavCategoryThemes
  • sdkapi.NavCategoryNetwork
  • sdkapi.NavCategoryTools


The PortalNavItemOpt is a Go struct the represents a portal navigation menu item.

type PortalNavItemOpt struct {
    Label       string
    IconUrl     string
    RouteName   string
    RouteParams map[string]string


The AdminNavList contains a list of admin navigation items which can be used by admin theme plugins to display the navigation menu.

type AdminNavList struct {
    Category string
    Items    []AdminNavItem

type AdminNavItem struct {
    Label    string
    RouteUrl string


The PortalNavItem is a Go struct that represents an invidual portal menu item.

type PortalNavItem struct {
    Label    string
    IconUrl  string
    RouteUrl string