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The IConfigApi contains methods that can be used to modify system configurations such as the language, currency and your custom plugin configuration.

1. Application

The application configuration API has the following fields:

The currency used throughout the application. The default is USD.
The language used throughout the application. The default is en. The supported languages are:
  • en - English
  • es - Spanish
  • id - Indonesian
  • ms - Malay
The secret key used to sign the JWT tokens and other encryptions.


To get the application configuration, use the IAppCfgApi.Get method.

appCfgAPI := api.Config().Application()
val, err := appCfgAPI.Get()
if err != nil {
    // handle error
fmt.Println(val) // {Currentcy: "USD", Lang: "en", Secret: "*****"}


To modify the application configuration, use the IAppCfgApi.Save method.

err := appCfgAPI.Save(sdkapi.AppCfg{
    Currency: "USD",
    Lang: "en",
    Secret: "xxxxxxxxxx"

2. Bandwidth

Bandwidth configuration is set per interface and has the following fields:

Whether to use the global bandwidth configuration. The default is false.
The global download bandwidth in megabits per second. The default is 2.
The global upload bandwidth in megabits per second. The default is 2.
The download speed per user in megabits per second. The default is 2.
The upload speed per user in megabits per second. The default is 2.


To get the bandwidth configuration of a network interface, use the IBandwidthCfgApi.Get method.

bwdAPI := api.Config().Bandwidth()
cfg, err := bwdAPI.Get("eth0")
if err != nil {
    // handle error
fmt.Println(cfg) // Bandwidth config


To set the bandwidth configuration of a network interface, use the IBandwidthCfgApi.Save method.

err := bwdAPI.Save("eth0", sdkapi.BandwdCfg{
    UseGlobal: true,
    GlobalDownMbits: 2,
    GlobalUpMbits: 2,
    UserDownMbits: 2,
    UserUpMbits: 2,
if err != nil {
    // handle error

3. Plugin

The plugin configuration API is used to store custom configuration specific to the plugin you are developing. Using this API ensures that your plugin configuration can be migrated properly to a new system in case you want to flash new firmware or migrate to a new hardware.

The plugin configuration data is stored by key. This makes it easier to manage multiple configuration options. The resulting files can be found under your plugin name in the config/plugins directory inside the root SDK folder.


To save your plugin configuration, use the IPluginCfgApi.Write method.

import "encoding/json"
// ...

cfgAPI := api.Config().Plugin()

type MyCustomConfig struct {
    Field1 string `json:"field1"`
    Field2 string `json:"field2"`

customConfig := MyCustomConfig{
    Field1: "value1",
    Field2: "value2",

data, err := json.Marshal(customConfig)
if err != nil {
    // handle error

if err := cfgAPI.Write("some_key", data); err != nil {
    // handle error


To get your plugin configuration for a specific key, use the IPluginCfgApi.Read method.

import "encoding/json"
// ...

cfgAPI := api.Config().Plugin()

data, err := cfgAPI.Read("some_key")
if err != nil {
    // handle error

var myCfg MyCustomConfig
if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &myCfg); err != nil {
    // handle error

fmt.Println(myCfg) // {Field1: "value1", Field2: "value2"}

fmt.Printf("Field1: %s, Field2: %s", myCfg.Field1, myCfg.Field2)