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The ClientDevice represents a client device/host connected in your network and is possibly accessing the captive portal using a browser. It can be retrieved using the Http.GetClientDevice method in your handler.

// http handler
func (w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    clnt, _ := api.Http().GetClientDevice(r)

The clnt variable is an instance of the ClientDevice interface.

1. ClientDevice Methods

Below are the methods available on the ClientDevice instance.


Returns a int64 value of the client device ID.

id := clnt.Id()


Returns a string value of the client device hostname.

h := clnt.Hostname()


Returns a string value of the client device IP address.

ip := clnt.IpAddr()


Returns a string value of the client device MAC address.

mac := clnt.MacAddr()


Updates the client device record in the database.

func (w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    ctx := r.Context()
    clnt, _ := api.Http().GetClientDevice(r)
    newMac := "00:11:22:33:44:55"
    newIp := ""
    newHostname := "new-hostname"

    err := clnt.Update(ctx, newMac, newIp, newHostname)
    // handle error


Emits an event to the client device.

data := map[string]interface{}{"key": "value"}
clnt.Emit("some_event", data)

The data parameter can any JSON serializable value.


Used to subscribe to an event on the client device. It returns a channel that emits a JSON representation in bytes.

ch := clnt.Subscribe("some_event")

go func() {
    clnt.Emit("some_event", map[string]interface{}{"key": "value"})

bytes := <-ch

var data map[string]interface{}

err := json.Unmarshal(bytes, &data)

fmt.Println(data) // map[key:value]


Used to unsubscribe from an event on the client device.

// subscribe first
ch := clnt.Subscribe("some_event")

// listen to the channel...

// then unsubscribe
clnt.Unsubscribe("some_event", ch)

2. Events

Events are emitted to the client device in the browser.

You can emit an event to a user account using the ClientDevice.Emit method like so:

func (w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    clnt, _ := api.Http().Helpers().GetClientDevice(r)
    evt := "some_event"
    data := map[string]interface{}{"key": "value"}
    clnt.Emit(evt, data)

You can listen to this events in the browser using the $ like so:

$"some_event", function(res) {
    console.log("An event occured: ",;

You can also listen to events in your Go applications using the ClientDevice.Subscribe method.

The avaiable events geenerated by the system are:

Event Description
session:connected Emitted when a client device is connected to the internet.
session:disconnected Emitted when a client device is disconnected from the internet.