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The AccountsApi let's you create, modify, remove and manage system user accounts and permissions.

1. AccountsApi Methods

The following are the available methods in AccountsApi:


It creates a new user account with the given username, password and permissions. It returns an Account instance and an error object.

username := "admin"
password := "admin"
permissions := []string{"admin"}
acct, err := api.Acct().Create(username, password, permissions)
if err != nil {
    fmt.Println(err) // Error
fmt.Println(acct) // Account


It finds an user account by the given username. It returns an Account instance and an error object.

acct, err := api.Acct().Find("admin")
if err != nil {
    fmt.Println(err) // Error
fmt.Println(acct) // Account


It returns all the user accounts, admin and non-admin. It returns a slice of Account instance and an error object.

accts, err := api.Acct().GetAll()
if err != nil {
    fmt.Println(err) // Error
fmt.Println(accts) // []Account


It returns all the user accounts. It returns a slice of Account instance and an error object.

accts, err := api.Acct().GetAdmins()
if err != nil {
    fmt.Println(err) // Error
fmt.Println(accts) // []Account


It creates a new permission with the given name and description. It returns an error object.

name := "newperm"
desc := "New permission"
err := api.Acct().NewPerm(name, desc)
if err != nil {
    fmt.Println(err) // Error


It returns all the available permissions, including custom ones from plugins. The return type is map[string]string (name and description pairs of permissions).

perms := api.Acct().GetPerms()
fmt.Println(perms) // map[string]string{"admin": "The admin permission"}


Returns the description of the given permission. It returns a string and an error object.

desc, err := api.Acct().PermDesc("newperm")
if err != nil {
    fmt.Println(err) // Error
fmt.Println(desc) // "New permission"

2. Account Instance

Account instance represents a system user account. First, find an user account by username:

acct, err := api.Acct().Find("admin")
if err != nil {
    fmt.Println(err) // Error
fmt.Println(acct) // Account

Given an user account instance, you can access the following properties and methods:


It returns the username of the user account.

acct.Username() // "admin"


It returns the permissions of the user account.

acct.Permissions() // []string{"admin"}


Returns true if the user account has all the given permissions. It can be used to check if an user account has all the required permissions to access a certain part of the system.

acct, _ := api.Acct().Find("admin")
hasAll := acct.HasAllPerms([]string{"admin"})
fmt.Println(hasAll) // true


It returns true if the user account has any of the given permissions. It can be used to check if an user account has any of the required permissions to access a certain part of the system.

acct, _ := api.Acct().Find("admin")
hasAny := acct.HasAnyPerm([]string{"admin"})
fmt.Println(hasAny) // true


It returns true if the user account has the admin permission.

acct.IsAdmin() // true


It updates the user account with the given username, password and permissions. It returns an error object.

newUsername := "newadmin"
newPassword := "********"
err := acct.Update(newUsername, newPassword, []string{"admin"})
if err != nil {
    fmt.Println(err) // Error


It deletes the user account. It returns an error object. Note: You cannot delete the last user account since it is required for the system to function.

err := acct.Delete()
if err != nil {
    fmt.Println(err) // Error


Emit an event to the user account. It returns an error object. It accepts an event name and a data object.

data := map[string]any{"key": "value"} // or any object that can be marshalled into a json
acct.Emit("some_event", data)


You can listen to events emitted to the account using the Subscribe method. It returns a channel of <-chan []byte that can be marshalled into a json.

ch := acct.Subscribe("some_event")

for b := range ch {


You can stop listening to events emitted to the account using the Unsubscribe method. It accepts an event name and channel returned by the Subscribe method.

ch := acct.Subscribe("some_event")
// Do something with the channel
acct.Unsubscribe("some_event", ch)

3. Permissions

Permissions are used to control the access to various parts of the system. Users without the appropriate permissions will not be able to access the restricted parts of the system.

These are the default permissions that you can assign to an user account. Although you may define your custom permissions using the AccountsApi.NewPerm method.

Permission Description
admin The admin permission grants full access to the system.

4. Events

Events are emitted to the user accounts via SSE (Server-Sent Events) in the browser.

You can emit an event to a user account using the Account.Emit method like so:

acct, _ := api.Acct().Find("admin")
acct.Emit("some_event", map[string]any{"key": "value"})

You can listen to this events in the browser using the $ like so:

$"some_event", function(data) {
    console.log("An event occured: ", data);